Part of the reason why today was harder is because I didn't enjoy the lunch and dinner meals that much. For some reason vegetables were making me gag today so I had to choke down every bite. I think my body is in rebellion. Here's what I ate:
Orange Berry Smoothie
We both loved this smoothie and I prefer it over the one we had yesterday.
Sweet Potato, Celery, and Apple Salad
Clarence surprisingly really liked this salad. It was a bit too tart for me with the green apple and the lemon, so I think next time I will hold back the lemon for me and see if it's any better. I ate about 5 bites of this and couldn't have anymore. An hour later I was hungry again, so I made a smoothie of 1/2 frozen banana, 1/4 cup of almond milk, and some cinnamon. Now I am not 100% sure that almond milk is ok. My reasoning is that it's not dairy so I'm assuming it's ok...? If anyone has more details I would appreciate it. In any case, the smoothie was the most glorious thing I have tasted and saved the day. I'm definitely keeping it in my recipe list for one I'll make even after this cleanse.
Our favorite salad/meal so far is the avocado with peppers and tomatoes from yesterday's lunch. It's basically like eating delicious guacamole, which I'm totally ok with.
Roasted Peppers, Cauliflower, and Almonds
I added garlic to this and I think it made a huge improvement. I'm not a huge parsley fan so I think I'll leave that out next time. It was alright. I liked the cauliflower more than the peppers.
A few hours after dinner I was craving sweets, so I had an orange.
My total calorie count for today is 903. I know that is too low for me since I'm still nursing, so I think I'll have some trail mix before bed.
The high points of today were that Clarence lost 2 pounds already, he didn't have any headaches, and he liked his lunch; my high point was the banana smoothie!
I just have to focus on my goals. Obviously what we are doing is extreme because we are trying to change 23 years of eating habits, which isn't going to happen over night. I keep telling myself that I just need to take it one day at a time, and that after each week it will get better.
I am looking ahead to the part where my body starts to feel a lot better because I am feeding it better.
I think it's awesome you guys are doing this. And some of those meals look really good. The avocado one especially.