Friday, November 9, 2012

6 months

My little baby boy is 6 months old today! I cannot believe that a half of a year has gone by. I am so blessed beyond words to be able to be home with him everyday, while still being able to work and help out our little family reach our goals. 

 Rhett is such a good baby! He smiles and laughs so often and so freely, such a sweetheart. He can now reach the floor in his jumper and he will go crazy, jumping up and down, laughing, and playing with his toys. He is also pro at rolling over now and is getting close to being to sit up completely by himself. He has become so curious too, always grabbing everything and examining it, trying to figure it out.

 I had no idea that I could love someone so much; I thought I knew when I met Clarence, but this is a whole other level. I love nothing more than when Clarence comes home and I get to see them laughing and playing together. I love that we each can have our own special relationship with Rhett and that he needs us both. 

Right now he is in the perfect stage because he can't crawl yet, so he has no choice but to cuddle me and just chill out most of the time! I wish I could stop time for a few more months and enjoy his immobility, because I know it's going to get crazy here pretty soon. But I am excited for each new stage, it truly is amazing how quickly babies grow and learn. Watching him see and experience so many things for the first time inspires me to slow down and enjoy life more, enjoy the little things.